Monday, April 30, 2012

Tests back and.... "Our Deepest Fear" Life lesson ;~)

Today I gave you your tests back.  You guys did pretty well on this.  Second period had an 89% average score and 8th period had an 80% average - Both GREAT averages for such a complex topic so don't be too discouraged if you did not do as well as you had hoped.  Since the next chapter springs RIGHT from this I felt is was worth the time going over each question with you to make sure that you understood how our genes effect our traits and how CHANGES in those genes ultimately lead to new characteristics.... Sometimes good, sometimes bad.... sometimes with no great effect.

 As I often do on tests/quizes, I provided you wil the following sections of a writing by Marianne Williamson called "Our Deepest Fear."  You guys got one of my "life lesson lectures" about how I see this tendancy in a LOT of you to downplay your own potential because that is "easy."   It really is much easier to say.... "Oh.... don't ask me... I'm not smart, I'm not strong enough, I'm not fast enough.... etc" because that gets you out of actually living up to your potential!!!!  It much scarier to think about what you are capable of doing!!!  So if you remember NOTHING more about this class - I hope you remember that "you'r playing small" serves NO ONE!!!

Here were some Passages

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