It SORT of looked like a dance floor...... which would not be out of the realm of possibilities in this class.. But.... ALAS.... It was to go through DNA replication!
Our Goals have not changed - they are still what we had been focusing on since Monday. Reminders are pretty much the same as well.
BEFORE we got into "acting out" DNA replication - we started with the following Daily Questions. The first two are really just an algebra equation (and you thought you would NEVER use algebra outside of math class!!)
THEN...... since I am noticing that this concept of DNA replication being semi-conservative being a relatively difficult concept to grasp I have added one MORE activity to the mix. We have watched animations of it online. We have draw out and colored DNA strands. We have used the K'nex models... and NOW.... we ACTED OUT DNA replication. It was an interesting task for sure :)
FIRST - we created the "original" DNA sequence (the two "parent" strands)
In this case it was Nucleotides that were on black paper.
Next up..... Our DNA HELICASE!!!! Here she comes tearing through the hydrogen bonds!
What did they do?? They added new nucleotides to either side of the parent DNA
Our End Result????
TWO genetically identical DNA molecules!! Each one of the DNA molecules contains one "Parent" strand and one "Daughter" strand. This is what is meant by Semi-conservative.
What does this look like in the cell?
If you check out the following video from 1:40 - 2:50 you will see this "machinery" at work.

Eukaryotic DNA, though, has it MUCH harder since there is MUCH more DNA. So this is a little about that.

DONE with DNA Replication!!! Now onto Mitosis starting tomorrow :)
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