Monday, October 5, 2015

Thursday and Friday October 1st and 2nd- Daily Question Quiz and Specific Heat of Water / TYLER SIS Login

On Thursday we took our Daily Question quiz due to the shortened periods on Friday.  After the daily question quiz we went through the notes on specific heat. 

Friday I had you log in to Tyler SIS to make sure you know how to log in and see your grades.  We will do that again tomorrow.

Today we continued through specific heat.  Here are today's daily questions and the notes from Thursday AND today.

 I didn't get a chance to do a screen cast of today's daily question.  This last question is VERY important to understand.  If you were absent today I encourage you to watch the following Khan Academy video that discusses what i was drawing.

Here were notes from Thursday and today.  I have included some videos that I used in some classes.  Again, I encourage you to watch some of these if you were seeing as though this is a tough concept to digest!

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