Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 1 of Egg Lab!!

We started with a review of the cell membrane and an intro to passive transport with the following DQ's

Tuesday November 6th
I have type A blood.  What part of the cell membrane surrounding my red blood cells determines that I have type A blood!!!
Red blood cell with no "tags"
Type O blood
Cell Surface Markers (Also known as Glycoproteins)

Red blood cell with "A"
tags = Type A blood

Red Blood cell with "B" Tags
= Type B bloo

Red Blood Cells with Both
A and B tags = Type AB blood

TSH (Thyroid Stimulating hormone) binds to thyroid cells and initiates the production of T3 and T4 (Thyroid hormones), what part of the cell membrane does TSH bind to?
Receptor Proteins

When molecules move – they generally will move from an area of High to Low concentration until the concentration is equal everywhere.  Once this has occurred it is known as Dynamic Equilibrium.
What is happening to the molecules at that point (in terms of movement)The molecules are constantly moving randomly (In no NET direction)

After this we started into our Egg lab!!  Today you just weighed your egg, named your egg and put it into Vinegar!  I had you answer some pre-lab questions and make predictions of what you think may happen over night. 
You Weighed your Egg

Then measured out 100 ml of vinegar 

Then Carefully placed your egg into the vinegar!

And some of you then drew pictures.............  Nice
art work Carter ;)
Tomorrow we will see what happened and how this all relates to cell transport AND the structure of the cell membrane!!

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