Soooooooooooooooooooooooo....... We have been going through sample final exam questions. Today we went through the genetics part of things. Here are the screen shots!
Tomorrow I will not be in school...... No seriously - NOT party time for you guys!!! There are two practice final exams on Study Island - DO THEM!!! Have a great day tomorrow :)
Friday you guys took your daily question quiz on STUDY ISLAND.... and today....................................
Hallelujah for THAT!!!
We have our final exam on THURSDAY..... We have KINDA been talking about this for approximately.... oh..... the last couple MONTHS :) You should NOT be super stressed about this. If you have been paying attention during Daily Question Time and CONTINUE to for the next couple days, you will ROCK this!!! If you DON'T..... guess what..... You have like THREE weeks to take it again and get your grade up!!! Here were the keystone questions for today: