Today we had our first set of daily questions. This will become a routine for you guys. Each day you will come to class and a set of daily questions (DQs) will be on the board. You will write these out in the DAILY QUESTION SECTION of your 3 Ring Binder. At this point you will generally be looking at what we did the day before OR this is a way to see what you ALREADY know about a section. You will receive 1 point a day for doing your daily questions. At the end of each week we will have our "DQ2" - Daily Question Quiz - This is a quiz based off of the daily questions for that week (It is NOT an open notes quiz!!!) Here were today's Daily Questions:
I then showed you a "Movie Trailer" of sort that introduced the first unit:
And finally we started into our first set of notes.
Today I had you sign up to my "Remind" Account. The instructions for that are here:
This will allow me to send out "Reminders" about assignments, quizzes, tests, etc (or just Random notes of encouragement!) We then did a little bit of an interesting.... and maybe odd activity. You wrote a letter to yourself. This letter was to include the following things:
You sealed it up and I will give it BACK to you on one of the last days that I see you. I think it will be interesting for you to see how you have changed over the course of the year!!! Tomorrow you have a half day (YAY YOU!!!) and I will have you fill out a form online that gives me a little more information about you!!