Soooooooooooooooooooooooo....... We have been going through sample final exam questions. Today we went through the genetics part of things. Here are the screen shots!
Tomorrow I will not be in school...... No seriously - NOT party time for you guys!!! There are two practice final exams on Study Island - DO THEM!!! Have a great day tomorrow :)
Friday you guys took your daily question quiz on STUDY ISLAND.... and today....................................
Hallelujah for THAT!!!
We have our final exam on THURSDAY..... We have KINDA been talking about this for approximately.... oh..... the last couple MONTHS :) You should NOT be super stressed about this. If you have been paying attention during Daily Question Time and CONTINUE to for the next couple days, you will ROCK this!!! If you DON'T..... guess what..... You have like THREE weeks to take it again and get your grade up!!! Here were the keystone questions for today:
LAST bit of content that we FLEW through this week! I didn't get into great detail on this stuff since you learned this all in 8th grade. I have been VERY impressed with how much you guys remember!! You should be proud :) Today's encouragement and reminders:
Allllllllrighty.... Ecology fun! (well... We'll call it fun)
These past two weeks I have been TERRIBLE at doing daily posts. It has been a crazy April though on MULTIPLE levels!! We have been going back and forth between ecology questions and Keystone practice questions. We ALL (probably me more than you) are ready to rip our eye balls out... but....
Sooooo.... Here is a summary of ALL the Keystone Questions from this past week!! (to minimize how many images I added to this post I combined them - If these are hard to read, click on the actual image and it will "pop out" and you can see it better.)
It's been a crazy past week with the choir kids out last Thursday - Monday and then the assembly yesterday all the while attempting at getting us all on the same page. I decided to just do a wrap up post on all the "evidence of evolution" stuff. Here were the daily questions from Friday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
And here are ALL the notes on Evidence for Evolution. Remember, these went along with the book work you did - you did NOT need to write these down in your notes.
Some the YouTube clips that we didn't get a chance to see since I did not see you Wednesday.
Today was wrap up time for this topic - Daily Question Quiz tomorrow and into our FINAL topic next week!!! Ecology :)